Phootwork lang

Phootwork lang contains missing PHP language constructs

Arrays are key data structures for both map and list like types in php.


Installation via composer:

composer require phootwork/lang


Arrays are key data structures for both map and list like types in php.


Getting an array from an object is not easy to know. That's why there is an Arrayable interface which has only one method: toArray() and helps to be put on objects that will return an array. Use it for type-hinting or check the instance of an object whether is arrayable.


An ArrayObject is a wrapper around a native php array but provides consistent methods instead of weird functions and parameter order that are hard to read in your code.

Alternatively you can use the Collection package.


Comparison in php is mainly supported on a function level, e.g. sort() (and other array sorting functions). Also php provides usort() to pass in your own comparison code, there is no such thing on a class level.


Implement the Comparable interface on those objects you want to compare with others. You can now compare your object to another one:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Comparable;

class MeasurementPoint implements Comparable {

    // ...

    public function compareTo($comparison) {
        // comparison logic here

$p1 = new MeasurementPoint();
$p2 = new MeasurementPoint();


A Comparator is somebody who compares two values with each other. Use it to compare your objects.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Comparator;

class MeasurementComparator implements Comparator {

    public function compare($a, $b) {
        return $a->compareTo($b);

$p1 = new MeasurementPoint();
$p2 = new MeasurementPoint();
$comparator = new MeasurementComparator();
$comparator->compare($a, $b);


The ComparableComparator contains the same functionality as the MeasurementComparator above. If you don't have a comparator at hand and need one, the ComparableComparator is there for you.


For string manipulation php offers a lot of functions with inconsistent naming scheme and parameter ordering. Here is the Text (since string is a reserved word in php7) class to clear this mess.


Instantiation can happen in two ways.

1) Regular way with the new keyword:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Text;

$str = new Text('my string');

2) Using the static create method:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Text;

$str = Text::create('my string');

which is mostly helpful in one-line code (such as if statements).

Method Chaining

Method chaining is possible with the Text class:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Text;

$str = new Text('MyFunNyStrIng');
$str->lower()->upperFirst(); // Myfunnystring (see also Text::capitalize())


Some examples where the Text class really shines:

1) In if statements:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use phootwork\lang\Text;

if (Text::create($str)->startsWith('hello')) {
    // ...